March 17, 2023 Parks Thompson

The Power of a Smile: Shaping Your Mood to Win the Day

Embracing the wisdom of Jay Shetty and the magic that unfolds in our daily lives

Smiling our way through the pain of a Spartan Race.

Life is full of unexpected challenges, and sometimes the simplest actions can have the most profound impact on our mood and mindset.

I recently faced one of these challenges when my journey to join the 5am Club hit a rocky patch (according to the book, it takes 66 days of consistency to lock in the habit of waking up before 5). The past two days have been tough, I struggled to wake up, my body sore as hell from intense workout sessions, including my first leg day in months.

"The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions."

Robin Sharma, The 5AM Club

This morning, after snoozing my alarm not once, but twice, I finally managed to crawl out of bed at 5:15 am, throw on some sweats and head out the door. I walked the 100 yards or so across our dark parking lot to our apartment complex’s gym door. I noticed it was a little warmer out than it had been, not the freezing temperatures it had been for the past few days.

When I got to the door, I faced my next hurdle – I had misplaced my key fob, leaving me locked out of the gym. Total Parks move. Rather than dwelling on my frustration, I decided to take advantage of the not freezing 47-degree morning air and go for a run. This seemingly inconsequential decision led to an enlightening experience that I’d like to share with you.

I started a guided run on the Nike Run Club app, and during the run, Coach Bennett shared a piece of advice that stuck with me: celebrate the fact that you’re running. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short run, long run, slow run or fast run. I was running that deserved to be celebrated. Despite my aching body, I smiled and patted myself on the back. Like physically patted myself on the back. And guess what? That simple gesture lifted my mood, energized me, and helped me actually enjoy my run.

After the run, I turned on a meditation by Jay Shetty called “Posture Pose: Does your posture reflect your mood? Or shape it?” It felt like the stars had aligned, reinforcing the lesson I just learned. Shetty emphasized that our external posture and facial expressions can significantly impact our internal emotions. There’s even a study that showed when participants were instructed to hold a pencil between their teeth (essentially forcing them to smile), their mood improved noticeably.

So, here’s the deal: try incorporating this little nugget of wisdom into your daily routine. Smile each time you walk through a doorway, imagining a string connecting the top of the doorway to your chin, lifting your head, and pulling your shoulders back. Or, consider taking a page from Jay Shetty’s book and adopt Posture Poses when switching tasks throughout your day. The method you choose doesn’t matter – what’s important is finding what works for you and embracing the good vibes that follow.

The bottom line? Life is filled with hidden lessons and magical moments, often waiting to be discovered in the most mundane situations. It’s on us to recognize and embrace them. As I learned from my own experience, sometimes all it takes is the simple act of smiling to turn our day around and shift our mindset for the better.

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